
Not to Brag, But We’re the Best

April 23, 2019   /   by  Diane Callihan

Roger West Named a 2019 Best Place to Work

For those of you who know us at Roger West, you know that we are typically humble, shy, quiet folks but we couldn’t resist sharing our fabulous news. Roger West has been recognized by the Tampa Bay Business Journal (TBBJ) as a 2019 Best Place to Work!

If you have worked for an agency before, you know this is quite an honor as stress, tight deadlines and strong personalities can sometimes make the workplace difficult. (There’s no crying in marketing!)

But Mike Westafer, CEO at Roger West, has (striven? strove?) worked real hard to make Roger West into a place where people want to come to work. Not to be a total suck up, but he is a very down-to-earth guy who legitimately cares about his employees. He’s not just a boss; he’s a friend.

As the company has grown (2018 was our best year ever!), so have our efforts to make Roger West a great place to work.

What’s so great about it? We have standing desks and cool technology, a view overlooking a pond with alligators; lots of donuts, tacos and tasty beverages; a dress code that is frankly probably way too relaxed; cornhole & darts, and other fun group activities and outings. (Check out our TBBJ profile.)

We also are recognized as a top Florida Digital Marketing Agency on DesignRush.

But the real reason this is such a great place to work is our people - a talented, hilarious, hard-working, passionate team of people who really enjoy working together. And the results that we get for our clients give us plenty of reason to get out of bed in the morning.

So, if you are a talented, passionate person who wants to love coming to work, see if we have a job posting that fits your skillset. And if you are looking for marketing services, we’re pretty sure we’re better than your current agency.

Let’s Talk.

Here’s some pics of the team at TBBJ’s Best Places to Work Awards Ceremony at George Steinbrenner Field.

Diane Callihan

Diane Callihan

With more than 20 years of experience writing for some of the country’s top brands, Diane helped to shape Roger West’s content strategy, lead generation, and PR efforts as Director of Marketing. She currently serves as President of Callihan Content Creation.